Monday, December 1, 2014

Final Race Tally 2014

2014 RACES (added after 2014 ended, just to keep them together)

New Year (at Midnight) 1 Mile 1/2014

Polar Dash 1/2014

Transcend 5K 2/2014
(Will find photo to post)

RR4R 5K 3/2014

St Judes Country Music 1/2 Marathon 4/2014

Fallen Warrior 5K 5/2014
(Second Place Age Division)

Biggest Loser Half Marathon 6/2014
(Dan Evans from BL Season 5)

Rock N Roll 5K 7/2014

Rock N Roll Half Marathon 7/2014
(Double Medaled At This Race)

Foam Glow 5K 9/2014

I'm Perfect Fitness Challenge 11/2014
(Will Find Photo To Post)

Reindeer Racer 5K 12/2014

So I only got in 3 half marathons this year, but I am proud of the traning I have done, to continue to try to heal myself.  Here's to next year's races!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Last Post For A While

It's been a while.  I had so much going on since my last post!  I am excited to say, I did my first half marathon in Nashville, TN.  It was a great success.  I wasn't sure if I was going to make it, but I did.  This past weekend, I did my second half marathon in Illinois.  I achieved a 20 minute PR (personal record) too boot!  My next one is in July, and I am hoping to get another PR at that one as well, even if only a small one).  We will see.

I haven't been juicing much, with everything going on, from my son's graduation to traveling to half marathons, to having family come in and stay, etc.  But I did start back yesterday.  I have decided that I am not going to juice 100% of the time.  I will juice and blend in the morning, and then eat a salad or something for lunch and something like quinoa/bean salad for dinner with another juice perhaps.  My goal is to just go gluten free and maintain my vegan lifestyle.

Below is a mint/fruit/almond blend I just made in my magic bullet.  It was yummy!!!  That is the best thing about making juices or blendies, you can put just about anything in them and cater them to your personal tastes!

I'm heading out for a salad lunch with a friend, and then off to do a 3 miler.  Gotta get that training in so that I can get a new PR at my next half in one month!  I am going to take a break from blogging for a bit to get things in order.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Falling Off The Wagon

Ok, so today, I begin again.  I took a week off, only juicing occasionally, and ended up going off the deep end, for real.  I had chinese food, and other naughty things, and ended up gaining 5 lbs lol, so I just wasn't ready to go back to "real" food yet.  I need to juice until I am satisfied with GOOD foods such as fruit, veggies and no carbs (gluten free, thats another story) is good enough for me.

SO.  I started again today.  I even have my hubby doing it with me this time.  I feel good today, surprisingly enough.  I think because my AM sugar was 97, compared to 1 week ago AM it was 116.  It is going down, and I am excited.  I did gain 1.5 inches back, too, so it really is not a good thing to eat gluten.  I had a bagel, several english muffins, etc over the week.  And I will tell you, once you go off gluten, your skin, hair, overall health/wellbeing is sooo much better (at least for me).  You don't really notice any changes, as far as OMG I SEE THE DIFFERENCE!... but I tell you this, the minute I started eating it again, I felt HORRID.  I mean it wasn't 20 minutes after my first batch of gluten, that I felt like I was going to throw up, for over an hour.  It was awful!  So what did I do?  I promised myself NEVER AGAIN.  But nooooo the very next day I had an english muffin (with vegan butter no less) and omg I felt horrid.  Every single time I ate gluten products, pasta, breads, etc) I felt like I had the flu.  So I definitely know that the gluten was the cause, because I never went back to dairy.  I will take that back, I went to see God's Not Dead with my children last weekend, and had popcorn with butter... big mistake I know... but I didn't feel too bad afterwards, not like when I eat gluten.  So I am DEFINITELY realizing that gluten and I don't get along, even though my doctor  said I didn't show signs of intolerance, with my one single blood test.  Plus I did gain 5 lbs back JUST from eating gluten products.  That is enough inspiration for me.

I have had enough testing... just to see if that was the cause, and sure enough it is.

Ok I have had a line of preparation today, with hubby washing  and cutting up carrots, cabbage, etc, my daughter washing grapes, kale, spinach, etc, and me washing and dicing bell peppers, and making runs to the store for gallon sized baggies, for storage, etc.  I am going to head back to the store for smaller containers though, these are too big.  Hubby wants to just make one juice to drink on all day long, but I don't know if he will get burnt out too soon that way or not.  I need variety.  Maybe he doesn't.  We shall see.

:)  Here's to day one... AGAIN!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Post Coffee Troubles

So since I drank 2 cups of coffee, for the first time in life (ew, did I mention I never drink it, that I despise it???) I was up all night long.  Not going to the bathroom, just withdrawing from the caffeine overdose.  EW.  I woke up this morning (my "official" weigh in day since day 1) from what little sleep I did get, and my tummy was still rumbling.  Still is, actually.  But on the good news side, I lost 1.2 lbs, and I am SO happy.  So, that makes my total for the week 7.4 lbs from juicing.  And my total for the month of March (for now) 18.2 lbs.  I also measured today and I lost 2.75 inches since last Saturday.  So even though 7.4 lbs may not seem like a lot (hey, that IS over 1 lb a day you know lol)... I did lose inches and that is what counts.   I also took a fasting blood sugar this morning and it was 116.  Bet it would have been lower, had I slept better.  But its a good place to start.  I am going to do a fasting sugar every Saturday now, to see if my numbers go down.  I really want them to.  My goal is to wake up with a number, UNDER 100.  :)

I have a long long long trip today, so I need to go make some juice for my trip.  But overall I am happy with what I am seeing today.  I am sure things will look even better, with next weeks weigh in.  Wow, my stomach sure doesn't feel very good.  I need to investigate what is going on.

Will check in later.  :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Juicing Update

I'm down another half pound.  Last two days have been difficult, as I haven't gone to the bathroom since the beginning of the week.  So I had a salad last night with balsalmic vinegar on it, in order to get things "moving" again.  I really needed that.  Because yesterday I didn't lose anything (and in all honesty, gained .2 lbs, so...)  But I ended up going a little bit last night and that made me feel better and a little less bloated.  I am bloated this morning too, but at least I am losing again.  So I am officially down 17 lbs since March 1.  I will take it.  :)

Decided I will do this for 2 weeks instead of 1.  I can do it.  Its hard, yes, but I can do it.  If you are going to take this one, the best way is to do it with a friend.  It makes it so much easier.  I don't think I could do this without my friend, who's doing it with me.

Made 68 ounces of juice last night for today's long work day.  I am going to just keep on sticking to it and see where it gets me.  Current issues: skin is dry, lips are bumpy (like sand?) and hair is dry... I haven't had these symptoms all winter, so not sure which type of mineral I am low in.  I have been craving salt and protein.  ESPECIALLY yesterday.  It was a hard day, for sure, especially yesterday afternoon.  I was ready to just eat anything salty or with protein.  Very weird.

Tonight my tummy was hurting VERY badly.  I would attribute it to the fact that I just couldn't go to the bathroom.  Haven't been all week.  Ok a tiny tiny bit last night after eating a salad for some roughage.  So my fasting friend and hubby both recommended I drink some coffee.  (EW! I HATE COFFEE).  It was soooo gross.  But I downed 2 cups, fighting all the way.  And one hour later I had water coming out... no joke and since I am blogging everything just for me to remember, it smelled exactly like the juice I have been drinking.  So I know there was just a backup of juice.. somehow.  I am not sure how that all works.  BUT I did get to go finally.  My stomach feels really yucky after the coffee.... gonna be a long night.  But I am so glad I finally got to go this week.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Juicing Day 4

Day 4.  Lost 1.3 lbs yesterday.  I don't care how slow my weight loss is, remember I had 5 doctors tell me I would never lose weight without gastric bypass surgery.  So I am THRILLED with how much I have lost thus far!  I decided with my friend last night (the one who is juice fasting with me) that we would have a few new mantras.  I AM satisfied.  I AM NOT hungry.  I CAN have it, but I DON'T want it.  And we will NEVER gain this weight back.  Not in so many words.  Last night was tough.  I couldn't sleep.  I was thinking about getting up and having something to eat, when I wasn't even hungry!  I tossed and turned for 4 hours, and finally went out and watched TV until around 2AM.  I just couldn't sleep for anything!  Once I wound down with a new show on Netflix I was finally able to drift off and sleep until almost 8AM.

Very busy day today.  Then the inlaws are coming this afternoon, so I better get running.  I am not as tired feeling as I was yesterday afternoon, so we shall see how it goes.  I may have a just-fruit juice before they arrive, to pick up any thoughts of being tired.... I will need some energy, so I don't look sleepy.  :)


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Juicing Day 3

Well it's day 3 of my juice fasting process.  I woke up 2 hours before the alarm, and here I sit, bright-eyed and bushy tailed drinking my daily warm water and lemon concoction that I got from a dear friend.  I TRIED to go back to sleep, to no avail.

I guess day 3 isn't that bad.  I was expecting to feel terrible.  I only lost 1 lb yesterday (yes I gave in to the scale AGAIN this morning, figured well, since I am up anyway...) and I didn't have one thing to eat, I simply upped my juice intake to the recommended amount.  Hey, 1 lb in a day, I will take it!!!   So much for my "do not weigh in" note, right?  LOL I'm a lost cause for sure!  :)

So now I have the daunting task of figuring out exactly what kind of juice I am going to take with me for my 8 hour day.  And another one to take with me for before and after my run this afternoon.  Doesn't help that I woke up to a snow covered ground... um, isn't it springtime???  Seriously???  First thing I am going to is make a cup of my 1, 2, 3 juice... that will wake me up even more, so that my mind is clear to scour juice recipes.  I have to make a huge batch this morning for sure, of some kind.   The one last night that I made, that was red but turned brown, well, I choked down two 16 ounce batches of it last night... won't be making that one again.  Umno.

I found two juices that I am going to try, as I sip on my favorite 1, 2, 3 juice, that is OVERLOADED with ginger... guess I wasn't as awake as I thought, when I made it lol.  :)  I am hopeful that they will taste good!  My next issue is how to carry them both to work, when I don't work in an office.  Hubby said maybe in a cooler?  He might have an idea there!!!  :)  But yes, so far today is turning out to be a great day... although it is snowing very hard outside.  (I couldn't see the snow earlier, when I peeked out my window before dawn).  I hope it stops soon!  Well, off to work I go, with my 3 juices.  :)

Interesting day. I got through the morning on my 3 shakes.  So I was good.  It was snowing hard here, so I ended up not running outside today, because I am NOT injuring my ankle again, trying to run outside, and I am not a fan of the hamster wheel, so I came on home.  And I went to bed.  I slept for 4 hours, just woke up and am still tired.  Here is a picture of the sun, which is clouded by snowfall... You can't see the snow, really, but it is coming down pretty good here.

To me, this is day 3.  But hubby says it is only day 2 because I had a salad on Sunday night.  :(  So I am not as far along as I would like to be, because I ate a small salad with guac on it.  SO now it is time to find something to juice.  I am not sure what I will make at this point.  I am tired, and a little crabby(ish) and REALLY want to just chew something to satiate myself.  I am not really hungry, although hubby is in the kitchen making tacos... I would love to eat one or 10 right about now, just for the chewing factor.  I wanted to go to the movies tonight with hubby, but I honestly think at this point the movie butter popcorn would get the best of me.  So we will wait until next week.  I can't wait to get to the second part of this message, that is sticky noted to my computer screen:

That saying is off the Netflix movie, "Hungry 4 Change".  I may watch that one again tonight.  Ok, off to make a juice, then I am probably going back to back to bed.... sleeping past "satiation pangs" is the easiest for me.  I hope tomorrow is better.  I was fine this morning... this afternoon is a little rough, but I will get through it.

Probably offline for the rest of the day, so...


Monday, March 24, 2014

Juicing Day 2

Goooood morning!  It's an absolutely beautiful day outside.  Cold?  Yes.  But beautiful.  Would be perfect if the cold wind would die down a bit.  I feel great today!  During my research last night on juice recipes, I found out that I did NOT have enough juice or water yesterday.  I was seriously under my limit.  (and I drank a LOT).   So I ended up having a veggie salad with some guac on top, to finish off the day.  Hey, it was still veggies, right?  Today will be totally juicing, because  I know now just how much water and juice I am supposed to have throughout each day.  I.will.get.through.all.of.that.   :)

Anyway, I just made the most fantastic juice!  I went into it this morning, thinking I would "blend" my leafy veggies (since my current juicer is not that great for leafy veggies... oooh can't wait for the new one to arrive later this week!) and then juice my fruits and thicker veggies.  But my research last night paid off.  This morning I made a Carrot, Apple Ginger juice.  Its made of 3 large carrots, 2 small red apples, and 1 inch of ginger.  Isn't it pretty?

This is the first juice that I have made, that I actually know I will make again and again.  It will be my go-to breakfast juice until I find something else I like.  I am in heaven!  Another thing I found out I can do is to buy unsalted organic sunflower seeds... get them moist (not soaked!!!) and put them in the sun.  They will sprout, and guess what?  Then we can reap the benefits of the sunflower sprouts in our salads, or in our juicing.  I am so going to get some today and get started.  I will update you on the process once I get started. 

My next juice I had today, before and into lunch time, is the Summer Green Juice.  It is great!  I think I just had to get used to the taste yesterday because I can't believe 2 in a row, I like!!!  lol  I am leaving for about 4 hours and don't have time to make any more so I am taking a gallon of water with me to drink when this runs out.  :)

This juice was tasty.  I am not getting my water in though.  I think it is going to be a struggle to drink all the necessary water for the day.  Hmm... maybe because I am drinking my meals, that is why I don't want to drink water.  I don't know.  Will figure it out.  Tried another juice when I got home.... isn't it pretty?

May be pretty, but it tasted like dirt.  I found that beets are just not my thing.  lol Well I bought at least a dozen of them, sooo... I will have to figure a way to use them.  I guess I was expecting them to taste like the ones in the cans... you know, the sodium-laden ones?  So I had to figure another route... I added some other items and ended up with this "not so pretty, but tastes better than it did", juice. :)

Juicing, I am finding is completely trial and error.  What may look scrmptious in a  recipe picture, may end up tasting really bad, according to your taste prefrences.  But even though this looks bad, it really isn't.  It's very earthy, but I can get through it.  :)  How am I feeling.  Really well actually, for day 2.5.  I don't have the urge to eat.  I know tomorrow may be a not-so-good day... but I am hoping for the best.  Today I have energy and have even gotten compliments on my "brightness" lol (seriously?)  I am happy about that.  AND I know, I know, I am not supposed to weigh in, but I did, and I have lost 14.2 lbs to date.  I am NOT going to weigh in tomorrow... lol ok, I am going to TRY not to weigh in tomorrow.  lol  I may not if I feel funky.  We shall see.

Well I am off for the night, unless something worth writing about happens.  Supposed to get an inch or more of snow tonight *sigh*, but am crossing my fingers we don't get any!!!  


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Juicing Day 1

Today, March 23, is my first day of juicing.  I am going to do this one day at a time, and document everything I can.  I woke up and weighed in, and I lost another 1.9 lbs, in one day, just by doing juicing at night, salad and steamed veggies for lunch, and a fruit/veggie smoothie for breakfast (oh, and one mango at night too).  So that is a total of 12.6 lbs lost since March 1, and 3 inches total gone, since I measured on March 15, just by changing my eating habits.

I did promise my hubby that I wouldn't weigh in again until next Saturday, but I couldn't help but peek this morning.  So as of now, there is a sticky note on my scale that reminds me not to weigh in until my next weigh in date!  Dr. Fuhrman said the average on the Eat to Live program, is approx 20 lbs a month.  I can't imagine how much it will be, doing his juicing program.  I have GOT to remember not to get my hopes up.  My bestie keeps telling me it is only water weight.  Ugh I hope not.  I am not going to get down about this.  I am finally losing weight and I want to enjoy every single moment.

So as I said, I was traveling yesterday, all day long.  So I threw in the blender, a protien powder, water, ice, 2 handfulls of spinach, some blackberries and strawberries, and some flax meal.  It was about 16 to 18 ounces, and I drank on that while driving, until lunch time.  (I love that my omnivore daughter is having smoothies with me in the morning, even if she continues to eat her meat and carbs, I love that one meal a day will be a good heatlhy one!!!)  :)

It was hard to drive past all the signs for fast food and restaurants, billboards, and such.  But I just thought of my end goal... to be a healthier me.  When we stopped for lunch, we went into a STEAK house!  OMG there were deer, moose, and all sorts of dead animals hanging on the walls above our heads!!!  UGH!!!  I thought to myself, I will NEVER find something in here to eat.   So I found the salad part of the menu and even the basic salad had cheese and bacon bits, etc on it.  So I asked her if I could get a salad without all the mess on it, and then ordered a side of steamed veggies.  I got oil and vinegar dressing on the side.  So I lived on that and ice water, until I got home so I could eat properly.

I got home last night with all of my yummy produce, and had my friend talk me through my first juice "jug".  :)  I had a glass last night, and that is what I have been drinking today.  This won't be easy.  But seeing the weight come off for the first time in YEARS, I am absolutely determined!!!  I am still drinking my 16 oz from breakfast, so I will be having my second "snack" juice between dinner and bed, since I have already passed that timeframe.  When I travel I get super sleepy, so I did sleep in today, and didn't get started drinking my juice early enough.  Tomorrow will be back on schedule.  Below is a picture of inside my "jug".  What I am drinking today.  It doesn't look green, because I put in red cabbage, and that gave it a little more of a brownish color...  not pretty to look at, for sure.  So I drink it in a pretty coffee mug, so I don't have to look at it.   :)

Already I am looking at those plump strawberries and blackberries in the fridge and would love to take a bite.  But I can't.  Nope.  Not going to happen.

TMI, but have already had two bm's for the day.  And have been going pee non stop (I told you, TMI!!! lol but I am going to document everything, so...)  And it is just now noon!!!  Goodness, this one's gonna clean me out!  But I need it.  I NEED to reboot my system.

While laying in bed last night before dozing off, I did find a few of Joe's juicing recipes.  YUM!  I can't WAIT to try some of them!  :)  This will be fun.  I think today's is a little hard because this juice is WAY too lemony.  Bah.  I may make some other kind shortly so I can have a variety today, because I am having to really struggle to get down just 8 ounces.... It's not BAD... its just whoa pucker factor!  Won't make this mistake again.  I also will not be using as much fruit in future juices.  I do NOT want to get those stupid diabetes numbers back up!!!

Wow, well I tried to follow one of the recipes, and make my own version of a V8 for a snack.  Hmm... ended up adding 2 carrotts to mute it a bit.  It isn't even as red as the one in the example, on the recipe.  I think I am just addicted to the sodium-laden V8 out of a store bottle or can.  I mean it isn't bad... but it isn't the store bought kind for sure.  lol  Hmm, glad I didn't make a ton.  It will take time for me to understand just HOW to juice.  One day at a time.  :)

Woohooo!  I just purchased a new juicer.  The Omega J8005 Nutrition Center.  I am sooo excited.  It should be here on Thursday or Friday.  I am excited to have a juicer that removes all the pulp and leaves my pulp dry, not full of wasted juice.  Thanks so much to my friend Catherine... she is the best!!!

Well day one is complete.  I am not hungry.  But I don't feel "satisfied".  Does that make sense?  I did cave in ... ugh!  And ate eight blackberries, just because they were there and I wasn't going to juice them.  Oh well, I could have caved in and ate the delicious garlic bread that my hubby made earlier today.  MAN did that smell goooood!

I am looking up recipes for tomorrow right now.  I am going to try them in smaller portions, to see what I like and don't like.  I made Mean Green and it was WAY to celery tasting.  I love veggies... I guess this will just take some time.  I am super excited to see how the flavors change once I have a GOOD juicer. I bet it will make things taste better once I can get ALL of the liquid out of the items I am juicing.  :)


Sneakers, Juice and Me

OKAY.... Here we go again.  :)

So during the last part of February 2014, I decided that since I was on the healing end of my ankle, and my Armour was working like a dream, it was time to take that giant step in the right direction, with regards to my diet.  I was vegetarian when I was little, through my teens.  I went back to normal eating during my 16 year marriage to my first husband. Then near the end of our marriage, I went back to flextiarian.  I just hate red meat.  I still do.  But I won't go into that.  So for the past few years, I have maintained my flexitarian lifestyle.  Mostly veggies and fruits, but also very little meat.  Chicken was my primary source of protein, and a little fish as well.

Well when March 1 rolled around I went completely vegetarian.  I decided that was the best thing for me, and honestly I didn't mind it.  I started feeling better right away.  I was incorporating quinoa, beans, lentils, legumes, etc.  for my protein, instead of chicken and fish.  I could tell I was feeling better day by day, with more energy.

I watched my hubby and others follow the "Eat to Live" program.  Hubby lost 30 lbs in no time and has kept it off completely!!!  After a lot of research and talking, on March 13, I became Vegan.  I am going to follow the Eat to Live program by Dr. Mark Fuhrman, AS WELL as incorporate gluten free living.  Is it going to be easy?  Not at all.  I LOVE pasta, bread, fish, cookies, crackers, etc............... but am I determined?  Absolutely!!!  I want to be healthy!!!  So no more gluten, no more dairy, no more eggs, and no more meat!!!

I was talking with a friend and she recommended that I watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on Netflix.  WHOA, the changes people made and how it made them feel was incredible!  What an inspiring show!  It was also by Dr. Fuhrman.  I was inspired to start juicing.  But I had to take a day or two to research it and talk some more to my friend about it.  In the meantime I watched the gurilla type show, called "Vegucated".  I almost lost my lunch on that one.  VERY hard to watch, especially for someone like me who is already against red meat and converting back to vegetarian.  It follows 4 meat eating people, who convert to vegan for a week.  What a story.  Oh my.  I have also watched Hungry 4 Change, which too talks about juicing.  I am ready for the change!!!  It is wonderful just how many great shows are on Netflix that will help you with whatever lifestyle you would like to have.

March 20, I decided that it was time to catch up with my runs.  I went out and did 7.10 miles.  Wow that was hard.  I need to not let time go in between runs, so long like that.  Going to do 8 miles on Sunday since I am traveling on Saturday.

Hmm lets step aside for the moment, and talk about running shoes.  I have been through quite the battle.  In 2013, I was running in Saucony Hurricane 15's for the whole year.  I loved them.  But my feet didn't.. not for long runs, as I mentioned my toes falling asleep during my 15K in November.  Fast forward to January 2014, I bought my first pair of Brooks, because they have a "wider toe box".  I did my 10K on the 11th of January with them and I thought I did well in them... but when I took them into my 2nd podiatrist, she said they just weren't wide enough, and to get a womens wide.  So I went back to the store and bought a pair of Brooks Adrenalines in Mens EE!!  The kid in the store said, why not go wider, so I did.  Well when I ran the 7.10 miles the other day in them, I ended up with a blister on the ball of my left foot.  I called the shoe store and they said oh no, those are TOO wide for you.  So you need to come in and we will put you in a womens wide.  So I did.  I will be running in Brooks GTS Adrenaline's Women's wide on Sunda for my 8 mile long run.  I hope that makes a difference.  :)

On March 22,  I had a green smoothie in the morning, a salad and steamed veggies for lunch (remember I was traveling) and then I had a juiced "green drink" in the evening (photo below), along with one mango because I found out I can't juice those.  Ick too much lemon in my juiced drink.  Note to self, never use a lemon the size of a softball in one jug of green drink lolol  It was fun shopping for all the greens I could find.  I spent 37 dollars and I have more than enough for several days of juicing.  I can't even begin to list everything that I have in my fridge now.  It feels like a garden in there.  Speaking of which, I am starting my garden soon, again this year, and will be planting more "juicing friendly" produce, than I have in past years.  I can't wait to have truly fresh organic greens in my own back yard!!!

I spent the night talking with my friend (who is starting juicing on Monday, so we can do it together!!!) and researching a little more.  I will be taking on full time juicing, starting in the morning.  and I will be taking in about 16 ounces of juice for 3 meals a day, and 8 ounces for my "two snacks" one between breakfast and lunch, and one between lunch and dinner.  I am expecting to get very hungry.  And I know day 3 will be rough, from what everyone is saying (as my body detoxes).  But I am going to try to go one full week and see how it feels.

OH and heres the best news:

From March 1 to March 10, just from going vegetarian (no other changes) I lost 1.5 lbs.
From March 10 to March 15, I lost 5.6 lbs, from going vegan AND gluten free!!!
From March 15 to March 22, I lost another 3.6 lbs, according to my morning weigh in!

That is 10.7 lbs since the beginning of March!!!

Can't wait until tomorrow's sneak weigh in, since that will be my first day with only a salad and a few steamed veggies and a mango... the rest smoothie and juicing.  :)

Saturday, February 1, 2014


SO.  As it left off, I decided that I was going to run 4 half marathons, DESPITE my size and DESPITE my health battles.  To jump back for a few minutes.  I did run my first 15K back in November of 2013.  It was the Hot Chocolate 15K.  I wasn't extremely prepared for it... and my friend and I really battled the ending.  She had a hip injury and my toes were falling asleep (yeah, wrong shoes, so... between the two of us, we ended up seeing the tallywagon behind us .... just once, then we stepped it up and never saw it again.  We weren't last, but we were definitely not liking the fact that we saw that stupid wagon!!!  We finished the race and considered it a success.

After this point, I stopped running.  I wasn't feeling great again, and my weight was going up once again.  I just felt blah. (still fighting the low dose of Synthroid at this point, so that should tell you something.)  I got very very sick as I mentioned in the last blog.  It wasn't until January, when I actually left that Endo, got put on Armour and was seeing my D.O. finally.  So there are a few months of hell that were not really described here in my ramblings.

Forward to December 31, 2013.  My daughter and I ran a mile at midnight to bring in the new year.  I wasn't feeling that great, but I definitely decided to run it with her, as it was truly inspirational.  I got the idea from my friend, whom I ran the 15k with in November.  Great idea!!!  We had a lot of laughs and it was a lot of fun for my daughter and I.

By the end of January, I was beginning to feel the effects of the Armour.  I was loving life once again, and knew I was on the right path.  I even ran (slowly due to shin deep slush and snow) a 10K on January 11, with my friend (again lol, because she is awesome and I love running with her).  She kicked my butt, but then again she had been running, and I hadn't run since that 15K in November, so I was not only out of shape, but definitely out of practice.  I muddled through and got through it, but decided now that I was feeling better it was time to start running again and preparing for my first half, coming up in April.

I signed up for two trail runs in February.  I knew that with those, as well as with my half in April, I would be dealing with a lot of hills, so what do I do?  I spend 4 days, going to the biggest hills in the area and doing hill repeats.  Um... yeah, only there was knee-high snow everywhere!  During my 4 day stint of doing what I knew was right for me, I injured my left ankle.  Wow, can anything else happen???  Two weeks later it wasn't getting better, so I went to a podiatrist whom said I had tight achilles tendons.  He always says that to me.  So I decided to go to another podiatrist a week later because my ankle just wasn't feeling better at all.  She said I had a peroneal split tear tendonitis.  No trail running at all, only flat surfaces.  Hmm.  Well that cut out my workouts with my trainer, doesn't it.  I had to miss both of my trail runs that I had signed up for.  I.Was.Not.Happy.  But I did go support the runners at the second trail run and loved seeing them come across the finish line.

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Well I was in a night boot from the first podiatrist, and then a day ankle support from the second.  Two weeks later it wasn't feeling good still so when I went in to her follow up appt, she put me in a walking boot and said no running allowed, MRI to follow.  I had the MRI the follwing week, first week in March. (interesting experience if I must say so myself).

I had a complete melt down.  I did.  No joke.  I was so upset.  After everything I had been through, I didn't understand why I just couldn't run.  I had several talks with friends and my hubby and they told me I NEEDED to start praying for myself, if I was going to get anywhere.  I have always ALWAYS had a hard time praying for myself.  It isn't something I enjoy doing, at.all.  But I did.


When I went in for my results, my podiatrist was dumbfounded!  She could NOT believe how amazing my ankle and foot looked.  She even told me she would have put money on what I had!!!  Even I was in shock.  I didn't go into the whole prayer conversation (I don't do that with people a lot lol) but I knew in my heart of hearts that I was healed.  She wrote me and Rx for a Dartfish with a physical therapist and I was sent on my way.  She just kept looking at the papers and my MRI shaking her head.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Long Update. Armour Is Here!

Wow, a lot has happened in the past several years.  I will just jump forward, to the recent present... late 2013/ early 2014.  (I knew it had been a long time since I posted, but whoa, not several years!)

Sorry about that.

Ok, so back in 2013, my doctor left for another state, just after she got me on the "right" amount of Synthroid (200) for the moment.  I was on 220, but I started running (see previous blog), and she was able to lower it.  So I was stuck with whatever doctor replaced her.  I was personally glad it was going to be a female doctor, from a very well known University Hospital.  Little did I know, that this doctor was going to get my labs done, take a 5 minute look at me and say, sorry, we need to drop your Synthroid by 50mcg.  FIFTY MCG!  That is CRAZY!  I have NEVER had it that low!  She told me that I was now HYPERthyroid and I needed to get my numbers corrected, and that was what it was going to be, enough said.  My body was screaming at me NO NO NO!!!! But my stupid mind told me that I needed to listen to her, after all, she WAS an "amazing" doctor from a well known hospital.  Right?

With my new Rx I started the 150.  Within a week and a half, I was falling asleep at work, falling asleep at the drop of a hat, falling asleep behind the wheel of my CAR, and my hair was coming out in groves.  I called her and said I am not doing very well this is putting my life and the life of others in jeopardy!  She refused to budge, saying that was where I needed to be on my meds.  By week 3, I couldn't stay awake.  I was completely lethargic and was falling asleep standing up even.  It was scaring my children.  I called her again and she said, ok well if you MUST, we can move it up 25mcg to 175.  I said, and what, continue feeling horrible and letting life pass me by by SLEEPING?

I called her office the next day and told them I wanted every file from the time I started going there, including doctors notes from day one.  I also called Mayo that next day and applied to be seen.  I was accepted, and had an appointment for the week of Christmas.  They said I needed to be up there for about a week or so, to see all the doctors.  I had to do something.  I NEEDED to live!  I NEEDED to find a way to get my life back!  I got all of my files the following week and prepared to fill out all 300 sheets that Mayo Clinic sent me.  I found a hotel that was connected to Mayo and reserved a week there.  I also called and reserved a car to rent, since this was going to be about a 9 hour drive.... if we drove straight through.  My precious hubby said he would go with me.  What a trooper!  Who wants to go sit in a hotel for a week during Christmas anyway???  So it was all set.

I couldn't just sit there and wait for my appointment.  So once again, Dr. Google became my friend.  I had to start researching more, for myself and find out what it would take for me to lose weight and feel alive again, like when I was young.

I ran across Armour files once again.  What exactly IS Armour, I thought, and why in the world is this always running across my path?  I knew that mostly only hollistic and functional doctors would prescribe it...  as every doctor in my past refused to let me try it, because they can't "track" it as well as Synthroid.  Hmm.  So I got onto a few forums and talked in depth with people who were using it, and the results were astounding!!!

I realized that the first doctor I had seen, Dr. M, when I moved to this state, WAS a D.O.  So I immediately made an appointment.  He told me first of all that my "hyperthyroid" result was a complete fluke.  He said I would have NEVER been hyper and for her to cut off my Synthroid in that amount was absolutely wrong.  He agreed with me that there was no way I could function normally, given I don't even have a thyroid.  That amount was entirely too low.  He then told me about T3.  He had mentioned it in the past, several years prior, but I was SURE I had to have an Endocrinologist for a doctor, so I left Dr. M to try to find my answers (and I mentioned my journey in the previous blogs... so yeah, how did that work out for me???)   Ugh.

Dr M. said that he would like to try me on Armour.  I was THRILLED to hear this, as I hadn't mentioned it to him, I just wanted to see what he would say and then I would mention it to him before I left, also to see what he would say.  I took him up on the offer IMMEDIATELY and hugged him and thanked him, just praying that this would make me feel better!  He wrote an Rx for 120grain, but I was to take 60 grain along with 1 of my two Synthroids.  So basically 100mcg Synthroid and 60 grain (100mcg) Armour for a week, to help me wean off the Synthroid completely.  Then after the week, stop the Synthroid and take two Armour (120grain) from there on out until my appointment.

I noticed the effects within the first 4 weeks.  I was no longer having highs and lows... I was no longer having those happy and sad moments.  My mood was stable.  My overall well being was in a straight line finally, as opposed to the previous roller coaster type lines.  I felt stable for the first time since, well, forever!

I went back to him in 6 weeks and he took some more labs.   He said my T4 never looked better, and my T3 was on the high end of normal, but that was a good thing for me, he said.  He told me I am right where I need to be.  SO after another several weeks, I called and set an appointment with him, for a sports physical.

I felt good enough, that I decided I was going to run a half marathon in 2014, despite my weight. FOUR in fact!!!  FOUR IN FOURTEEN!!! (see previous blog)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Running And Apologies

I stopped blogging.  I did.  I felt defeated.  After my last post, I had 3 more doctors tell me I would never lose weight.  Including the Head of Endocrinology at a very well known hospital.  I started believing them.  I had heard it a lot, from DOCTORS.  If you hear something enough, you start believing it.  I felt defeated, and I gave up.

Then in September of 2011 I got Diagnose #4 : Type 2 Diabetes.  What a devastating blow.  I have worked so hard, and that is what I end up with.  So I just stopped blogging.  And really stopped living.  I gave up.  And that is not me.  That is not who I am or what I am about.

So in early 2012, I said ENOUGH.  (again, because I have my moment then I pick myself up by the boot straps and start again).  So in July, I did my first mud run.  From that moment, I was hooked.  I will say, that by August of 2012, I was in complete remission of Type 2 Diabetes.  Dr. M said the running was definitely helping, so don't stop what I am doing, even though I am still not losing weight (in fact I gain weight after each race).

Here are the races I did, since my last post, to present:

2012 RACES
Mudathlon 7/2012

Healthy Hustle 5K 7/2012

5K Fun Run 8/2012
(will find a photo to post)

Run Dirty 5K 8/2012

Popcorn Panic 5K 8/2012

Pretty Muddy 5K 9/2012

5K Walk to Cure Diabetes 9/2012

World Run Day Participation 11/12
(will find photo to post)

2013 RACES
Valentine 5K 2/2013

Brooks Run Happy 5K 2/2013

Tough Mudder 5/2013

Run or Dye 5K 5/2013

Color in Motion 5K 6/2013

M4M 5K 6/2013

Logan's Run 10K 8/2013

Mudathlon 8/2013

SDR 5K 9/2013

Race 5 Miler 8/2013

Warrior Dash 8/2013

Pretty Muddy 9/2013

Women Rock 10K 9/2013

FLAG 10K 10/2013

Monster Dash 10K 10/2013

MR 5K 10/2013

Hot Chocolate 15K 11/2013

So as you can see, I have been working really hard to get healthy.  But still... I just don't have that overall sense of feeling "normal".  Maybe one day.

I will keep fighting!  :)