After this point, I stopped running. I wasn't feeling great again, and my weight was going up once again. I just felt blah. (still fighting the low dose of Synthroid at this point, so that should tell you something.) I got very very sick as I mentioned in the last blog. It wasn't until January, when I actually left that Endo, got put on Armour and was seeing my D.O. finally. So there are a few months of hell that were not really described here in my ramblings.
Forward to December 31, 2013. My daughter and I ran a mile at midnight to bring in the new year. I wasn't feeling that great, but I definitely decided to run it with her, as it was truly inspirational. I got the idea from my friend, whom I ran the 15k with in November. Great idea!!! We had a lot of laughs and it was a lot of fun for my daughter and I.
By the end of January, I was beginning to feel the effects of the Armour. I was loving life once again, and knew I was on the right path. I even ran (slowly due to shin deep slush and snow) a 10K on January 11, with my friend (again lol, because she is awesome and I love running with her). She kicked my butt, but then again she had been running, and I hadn't run since that 15K in November, so I was not only out of shape, but definitely out of practice. I muddled through and got through it, but decided now that I was feeling better it was time to start running again and preparing for my first half, coming up in April.
I signed up for two trail runs in February. I knew that with those, as well as with my half in April, I would be dealing with a lot of hills, so what do I do? I spend 4 days, going to the biggest hills in the area and doing hill repeats. Um... yeah, only there was knee-high snow everywhere! During my 4 day stint of doing what I knew was right for me, I injured my left ankle. Wow, can anything else happen??? Two weeks later it wasn't getting better, so I went to a podiatrist whom said I had tight achilles tendons. He always says that to me. So I decided to go to another podiatrist a week later because my ankle just wasn't feeling better at all. She said I had a peroneal split tear tendonitis. No trail running at all, only flat surfaces. Hmm. Well that cut out my workouts with my trainer, doesn't it. I had to miss both of my trail runs that I had signed up for. I.Was.Not.Happy. But I did go support the runners at the second trail run and loved seeing them come across the finish line.
Well I was in a night boot from the first podiatrist, and then a day ankle support from the second. Two weeks later it wasn't feeling good still so when I went in to her follow up appt, she put me in a walking boot and said no running allowed, MRI to follow. I had the MRI the follwing week, first week in March. (interesting experience if I must say so myself).
I had a complete melt down. I did. No joke. I was so upset. After everything I had been through, I didn't understand why I just couldn't run. I had several talks with friends and my hubby and they told me I NEEDED to start praying for myself, if I was going to get anywhere. I have always ALWAYS had a hard time praying for myself. It isn't something I enjoy doing, at.all. But I did.
When I went in for my results, my podiatrist was dumbfounded! She could NOT believe how amazing my ankle and foot looked. She even told me she would have put money on what I had!!! Even I was in shock. I didn't go into the whole prayer conversation (I don't do that with people a lot lol) but I knew in my heart of hearts that I was healed. She wrote me and Rx for a Dartfish with a physical therapist and I was sent on my way. She just kept looking at the papers and my MRI shaking her head.
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