Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fibrocystic Contition

I have my mammogram set for June 7, 2010. I am nervous yet excited to get it done. I have that fibroycystic breast condition (glad they don't call it disease anymore) and it is quite uncomfortable and I have yet again found several lumps. I am not concerned about them, but then again, any time you find a lump, it can make you quite nervous. So I will be glad to get this painful procedure over with. No, normally mamos aren't that painful. But with fibroycystic condition, it is a VERY painful procedure.

Anyway, still trucking along with my 225mcg Synthroid. Have started eating healthy.  So far not many changes can be felt. I am still quite tired all the time, but the breathing has really started to improve. I don't get out of breath like I used to just walking across the room when I was on the T3. So glad for that.

Hitting a sinking spell, so I am off to take a nap. Will update more later.

To be continued...

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