Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 - Keep on Moving

So 2015 has passed and I am still on hiatus from blogging as I continue to fight for my health.

2015 Races:
I have to tally the list but here is what I have so far:

EmbRACE Life 2.5 Miler January 2015
(will find photo to post)

LBJI Memorial 5K February 2015

CHP Appreciation 5K February 2015
(will find photo to post)

HH 5K April 2015

Biggest Loser Half Marathon May 2015
(will find photo to post)

Shawshank Hustle July 2015

Through talking with several doctors throughout 2015 as I continue to gain while training and running and eating right, November 2015 was my very last race.  They told me I was killing myself with running.  HUH?  They said I now have adrenal fatigue, and my body is not liking the endurance running.  *SIGH*  You have got to be kidding me.  I exercize.  I eat right.  I rest.  I train.  But MY body doesn't like it?  

I can't win.  Regardless I am done running for now until I can get my adrenals addressed.  Here is to 2016.